My friend in Philippines ask me if i saw the formation of the smiley in the dark sky last Monday when the Planet Venus, Jupiter and Moon formed into one and it forms like a smiley face in the sky, it's quite unusual because it is the first time that i've heard this kind of formation.
I think it will only happen once in a hundred or even thousand years, i don't know when is the next time it will happen again, and if will be happen again i hope i can see it with my naked eye.
Almost same incident happen when the Venus cover the Moon last March 2008 and it was really visible in Northern part of America.
Did anybody saw this formation last Monday??? How does it actually looks like? How i wish i'm one of the people who witnesses this once in a life time experience.
I think here in Singapore nobody is able to witness that formation because i don't even read in newspaper or even heard from the radio about this. Maybe all of the people here are not aware about this.