Recently while searching for a tips and tricks on how to level up on Farmville i suddenly came up with this article about farmville secret strategy. You can check out that website to see what i am talking about.
And here's the article say:
FarmVille has turned out to be one of the most popular games played on the social networking site Facebook of late. It provides a pleasant escape to the players from their everyday chaotic life. It's interesting and engaging enough to entice people into playing FarmVille on a regular basis. It requires your everyday attention and you eventually get hooked on to it. This particular article focuses on the tactics that one can apply while playing the addictive game of FarmVille by using strategies that many aren't aware of.
You will have to begin the game by getting hold of a firm. A typical or rather the basic one consists of six ploughed patches. Two of these patches will have fully grown crops and another two will have crops that are half developed. The rest two will be left to you for planting other things. You will initially start off with only 200 coins and 5 dollars worth of FarmVille cash in the bank. You begin harvesting as this fetches you easy money. But don't go on increasing your harvest endlessly because that might lead to lose a lot of money. The best thing you can do is first clear 10 patches of land. Then harvest the one you were supposed to do and gather the money. Then move on to the next one.
Select the crop that you want to plant wisely. Crops which take up to 24 hours to mature help you earn two experience points on each plot of land. The more you proceed to the higher levels the more you earn such experience points. Potential crops help you earn quick bucks as well. Keep in mind the correspondence between seed costing and the money you earn from harvesting them as it is crucial as a FarmVille strategy. First and foremost get some cash in your bank. This can be easily done by ploughing an area of 4 plots by 4 plots. Considering you as a regular player in FarmVille you can start off with planting strawberries as they fetch you money quickly. You can choose your crops accordingly but we found that these strategies work the best.
You can compare your status with other players and you can get an idea of how to improve. You can also start helping them out. For the first 20 neighbors whom you will help a neat 20 coins and 5 experience points will be your earning. If you regularly do this you will end up earning a lot. Then arrives the step of buying a 16 by 16 plot of land. Also known as Homestead, this will be your first step in expanding your farm. Ribbons are one more interesting factor of FarmVille. Start accepting them instead of ignoring. If you can follow this step, you can master the game with a simple FarmVille strategy.
That's what is written on the articles, actually it really blows me up when i saw his farm and craving on how to have a farm same as what he hajavascript:void(0)s.
If you guys wanted to have the same farm with him you better try it out!
Oh here's the link anyway: Farmville Secret Code
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